The 4 Disciplines of Execution

Yet another recommendation from the Choose Your Chapter Team, The 4 Disciplines of Execution written by Chris McChesney, Jim Huling and Sean Covey (yes, son of Stephen Covey). Here is an introduction video presented by McChesney we found on the 4dx website.

Enjoy.. (extended version)

If you’ve every studied SMART goals or even attempted to achieve your goals, applying the 4DX principles to any part of your life would be of awesome benefit. We at Choose Your Chapter have applied these principles to all aspects of our business, from the entrepreneur’s program to the online learning platform to the book (chapter) writing division.

4DX RULES! (short version)

Now if you enjoyed listening to Chris, we recommend you may want to purchase the book to read…visually.  Please appreciate these following links are affiliate links and Choose Your Chapter will receive a small commission from you purchasing this book. So thank you if you do decide to purchase a copy as these proceeds go toward us being able to deliver our programs to students across the country for as little as $1 per month.

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