“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”

Charles Darwin

Although #26Adaptability, according to the Clifton StrengthsFinder®, comes in quite low for me, it would appear being adaptable may not be a strength of mine. Admittedly, it is not a talent I tend to focus on, however can easily call on other talents in my top five to find success. #2Connectedness believes all things happen for a reason, which allows me to live in the now and accept whatever happens is meant to. ie COVID19. Similarly #4Activator allows me to get thing going straight away, right now. Simply put, I call on these two talents to adapt to situations good or bad.

As mentioned in previous posts, we’ve used this time of lockdowns to republish our Strengths guide books on Amazon. During this time I’ve been able to revisit the interviews we did with the strengths coaches on their strengths. Considering the effects COVID19 has had on the world, it makes sense that someone high in the Adaptability talent may cope better than some. It really hit home reading Xavier Bartholome’s answer how he would define the Adaptability talent to someone who had never used the Clifton StrengthsFinder, he said,

” Adaptability is a Talent that puts you in the ‘now’. It allows you to be aware of the needs that are required right now, so you can answer them ‘right now’. Therefore it helps in chaotic situations: you’ll remain calm and levelheaded, while others don’t. It will also help you respond when someone has an unexpected request: you’ll have an answer right away.”

What a gift!

To learn more about the Adaptability talent and read Xavier’s interview (who has Adaptability in his top 5), you can find the book on Amazon – How to Adapt to Success (click here) and on the image below. Or perhaps yo would prefer to read about all 34 talent themes in the How to Reduce Stress and Create Success guide book. Of course it is not essential you complete the Clifton StrengthsFinder®, although it sure does make a huge difference.

And remember, focus on your strengths.