Habits of Strength – How to Develop Talents into Strengths

Enjoy watching and listening to the ‘Why and How‘ it’s important for you to learn about Habits of Strengths.

Of course, we going to tell you what you will achieve by completing this course. We wanted to leave the ‘what’ to you for a little while to think about. At the end of the day it will come down to what you do with your habits. However, we aim to offer objectives and outcomes on this course. Then we’ll share ‘what’ you can expect to achieve by completing the course.

Course Objectives – To identify your innate talents and start to develop them into strengths. the aim of the course is to recognize your unresourceful habits and begin to form better habits, Habits of Strength. By listening to business leaders and industry experts, you will gain a great awareness of how to form habits by focusing on your top 5 talents according to the Clifton StrengthsFinder ®.

Course Outcomes – Upon completion of this course you will have a set of healthy, empowering habits which will bring you more clarity and direction to:

  1. Express your purpose with confidence
  2. Plan your time with precision execute organizational strategies
  3. Practice healthy habits of mind
  4. Practice healthy eating and exercise
  5. Schedule regular celebratory events and holidays
  6. Connect with family, friends and yourself on a deeper level

And as a result, you will strengthen your communication and become who you want to BE, by building stronger relationships, thinking more resourcefully and inspiring those around you. And do you know what that will leave you with? A healthy habit for life, your strengths habit.

If you’re ready to Activate, simply click on the button below. Weekly payment options are available below (Discounted offer does not include $US15 Clifton StrengthsFinder ® Activation code).

Please, if you’ve just made the payment to join the course send us an email to info@chooseyourchapter.com.au stating:

  • Your full name
  • Where you are in the world (location and timezone)
  • Which course you’re joining (start date and time, in QLD AEST time)
  • Why it’s important to you to want to form great Habits of Strengths
  • And what talents you believe you can bring to the group (regardless of whether you completed the Clifton StrengthsFinder ® yet).

If the video excited you that much and you would also like the Udemy course voucher, simply enter your details below.

What can you expect to achieve by completing this course?

Video Transcript

Hi I’m Danny Crouch from Choose Your Chapter. Thank you for taking the time to read this page. Some people will simply skip past, some will read a paragraph or two. However those who are honestly looking to make some great changes this year will hang around until the end. So congratulations to those of you who do.

We believe that this information we intend to share with you will add value to your life especially at this time of year when we all look to resolve bad habits and fix our weaknesses in order to be the person we want to be this year.

So why would you continue to read this post until the end?

Well modeling from the great Simon Sinek, we always start with Why.

Why should we post here?

Well, we want to discuss forming better habits to create more happiness, enjoyment, and success in our lives.

We want to form Habits of Strength.

Because that’s how we achieve success in our lives, by focusing on our talents and developing habits of strength.

So why do we want to discuss habits of success or Habits of Strengths?

Ok so will you let me share a story from when I was growing up?

I was about 5 years old, around the time I started school and like so many other children, entering the schooling system for the first time, I had to leave the comfort of my nest, the home I’d been brought up in. The only place I’d experienced in my entire life.

I didn’t know what it was like to change the environment, change what I was used to, change my habits. Danny crouch

So going to school I was out in the big, new world, I was confronted with indifference, with change and with strangers.

People who didn’t know me. Kids who thought I was different.

Strangers who were yet to accept me, let alone themselves.

So at 6 yrs of age, I had thick, wavy, jet black hair.

You can only imagine this now as what’s on top is, well let’s say made for comfort.

Anyway, the hair was not quite as cool as an afro, and as you can see my skin was a little darker than most. And this was not the norm. I was different. I was not “understood” and definitely not accepted.

I was picked on, ridiculed and bullied growing up. I was different. And that had a huge effect on the next 35 years of my life.

I started to form habits, however, they were not resourceful habits. They were habits of fear, they were habits of failure. They were habits of worrying too much about what other people thought.

The fear of not being good enough.

The fear of not belonging, which is the fear of rejection.

Danny-crouchAnd the fear of not being loved by others.

How could I possibly learn to love myself?

Wow, what a foundation to start molding such a young mind to form habits for the rest of a lifetime.

Does this resonate with you? Have you formed habits of fear or habits of failure or rejection? Because almost everyone on this planet has.

That is why they call them the 3 universal fears.

So what are we going to do about it and how can we manage thee fears, how can we change these habits?

Well, what if I said it was simple. Now hear me out, I didn’t say it would be easy. I asked what if it was simple?

How is it simple you ask?

It’s simple by learning to focus on your strengths. And this doesn’t mean going to the gym and bulking up to stop the bullying.

We’re talking about your mindset strengths.

You see at the age of around 5 or 6 we start to form innate talents. Because we’re all talented in our unique ways. However, unfortunately, most of us don’t know how to develop our talents into strengths.

We’re 6 years old what do we know? We play in the mud, our world is about 10 people wide and simply walking down the end of the street is far enough for us before we become scared. Ahh yes scared… here come those fears again.

Anyway, so when we form these talents, we then have the choice to learn how to develop these talents into strengths. And if we’re fortunate to learn how, we spend the rest of our lives doing so.

And it’s with thanks to a gentleman called Donald Clifton, the founder of positive psychology and a company in the States called Gallup, Inc ®, you may have heard of them. They manage the Gallup polls for the federal elections and so on and so forth. They’re one of the biggest data and research companies in the world. And one of their main focuses is studying don-cliftonhuman behavior and how you may develop talent into strength. Based on their many years of global research into human behavior they developed an online tool called the Clifton StrengthsFinder ®, ranks your unique talents out of 34. The most common way to consume the data is to look at your top 5 talents.

The tool is brilliant. It literally changes your life and I speak from experience as it changed mine dramatically. That’s not where it stops because as we know learning isn’t just about reading a textbook or listening to a teacher.

Are you following here? There’s a chance a few of you may have what we call the Activator ® talent! Which probably means you’re ready to begin now. You want to start forming your habits of strengths, which is cool. So if you have to, go ahead and fast forward or scroll down to the bottom of the page and find out how. But let’s allow the others to finish watching and let us catch up soon. We’ll see you shortly.

Or, connect with us now… send an email to danny@chooseyourchapter.com.au with the heading Habits of Strength as king for more information. Or connect on FaceBoook, or PM. Whichever you choose, simply act now, form a new habit, starting now. That is if you have the Activator talent. If you want to pay for the course in installments you may do so here:


Please, if you’ve just made the payment to join the course send us an email to info@chooseyourchapter.com.au stating:

  • Your full name
  • Where you are in the world (location and timezone)
  • Which course you’re joining (start date and time, in QLD AEST time)
  • Why it’s important to you to want to form great Habits of Strengths
  • And what talents you believe you can bring to the group (regardless of whether you completed the Clifton StrengthsFinder ® yet).

If you want to ramp it up even more and take action sooner – you receive a 50% discount for an upfront payment, simply click here:

Aim Strengths

Please, if you’ve just made the payment to join the course send us an email to info@chooseyourchapter.com.au stating:

  • Your full name
  • Where you are in the world (location and timezone)
  • Which course you’re joining (start date and time, in QLD AEST time)
  • Why it’s important to you to want to form great Habits of Strengths
  • And what talents you believe you can bring to the group (regardless of whether you completed the Clifton StrengthsFinder ® yet).

The best methods of learning are about first experiencing the information and then embedding it into our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. But how do we do that you ask?

Great question and this is how we begin to form habits of strength.

First, we read or learn, then we apply. We put into practice. We actively engage what we learn into the real world. And this actually takes time. And if you really want to apply it, then we teach it to someone else. Because if we know it well enough to pass on the knowledge, well then we must know it pretty well.

And let me tell you if you’re listening to this and think there’s a quick fix, unfortunately, there isn’t. Yes, it takes time.

Time I hear you say, I’m already too busy, I have 2 jobs, 4 kids. No time for my wife, no time for sport, no time for reading, actually no time for anything I used to love doing.

And besides all that I hate my job, I hate having no time, I hate being unorganized etc etc etc.

We’ve all heard the story before.

But don’t you think it’s time to change that story?

Well, let me ask you these questions…

What are you focusing on? What you do well, what comes naturally to you and what you enjoy?

Or are you trying to fix your weaknesses by any chance?

It’s ok if you are because most of us do. However, if you’re aware of it like some of you are now, that’s cool. Because you can do something about it. And if you’re not aware, yet, that’s cool too. Because that’s why we want to help, and that’s how you can benefit from starting to form habits of strengths.

By first becoming aware of what it is you focus on.

Are you convinced yet?

Do you want to go join those activators and skip ahead to the end, go on, the sooner we start forming these habits the better I say! You see I have the activator talent in my top 5.

If you want to pay for the course in installments you may do so here:


Please, if you’ve just made the payment to join the course send us an email to info@chooseyourchapter.com.au stating:

  • Your full name
  • Where you are in the world (location and timezone)
  • Which course you’re joining (start date and time, in QLD AEST time)
  • Why it’s important to you to want to form great Habits of Strengths
  • And what talents you believe you can bring to the group (regardless of whether you completed the Clifton StrengthsFinder ® yet).

If you want to ramp it up even more and take action sooner – you receive a 50% discount for an upfront payment, simply click here:

Aim Strengths

Please, if you’ve just made the payment to join the course send us an email to info@chooseyourchapter.com.au stating:

  • Your full name
  • Where you are in the world (location and timezone)
  • Which course you’re joining (start date and time, in QLD AEST time)
  • Why it’s important to you to want to form great Habits of Strengths
  • And what talents you believe you can bring to the group (regardless of whether you completed the Clifton StrengthsFinder ® yet).

Connect with us now… send an email to danny@chooseyourchapter.com.au with the heading Habits of Strength asking for more information. Or connect on FaceBoook, or PM. Whichever you choose, simply act now, form a new habit, starting now. That is if you have the Activator talent.

Actually how about if it’s ok with you, would you like me to share my top 5 talents with you.

So at number 1 I have a talent the Clifton StrengthsFinder ® calls Maximizer ®, which in its strongest form is someone who sees the good in something or someone and wants to make them bigger, brighter, better. Wants them to have an excellent life, wants them to be happier.

#2 is Connectedness ®, which means I connect things on a massive, massive scale. People strong in the connectedness theme believe everything happens for a reason.

#3 is ideation ®, so I’m full of ideas. It’s often described as having fireworks or popcorn exploding in your head. We have an idea, then another, then another. So if you have an idea, I’ll connect it other ideas, to people and other things on a massive, massive scale.

#4 is Activator ®, so I love getting things started. If you need action, go to an activator, because that’s what an activator does. They start projects. Or I like to start your ideas in motion to connect them with other ideas and people and other things on a massive, massive scale.

Then to round out my top 5, I have the talent the Clifton StrengthsFinder ® calls Futuristic ®. Now that doesn’t mean I have the ability to predict the winning lotto numbers, however, what it does mean is I can see and feel and even sense where things are going. In other words, I love to start your ideas and connect them with other ideas and people and other things on a massive, massive scale, all because I know where they’re going to end up.

How does that sound, empowering?

Or does it sound like I’m bragging?

And that’s ok if you think I am. Some cultures and societies, even generations consider it wrong to brag. It’s thought of as show boating or incorrect to tell people what you’re good at.

Here in Australia, we call it the tall poppy syndrome.

So let me ask you, what’s so wrong with being proud of what you do well?

Why would people prefer to hear the things that I’ve screwed up in my life? Would that make you feel better? Would it allow you to be human because you screw up all the time? Does it make it easier to hear I’ve had bad relationships, lost a lot of money on bad business decisions, said things to hurt people… or things even worse?

Well that’s not the world I want to live in any more. And it’s not the community my friends and colleagues want to live in either.

Do you? Think about it. I told you it would be worth staying until the end, didn’t I.

Now let’s just add something in here. Yes, we want to focus on our top 5 talents, and avoid spending too much time concentrating on our weaknesses. We avoid looking at #34, however we’re aware of these lesser strengths as we like to call them. And we want to learn how to use our top 5 strengths to balance out how we perform in the other lesser talent zones. Or better still we form partnerships with those around us who don’t have the talents we have and develop our lesser strengths through the talents they have.

Now to give you some background on how powerful the SF tool is. The chances of you and I or anyone else for that matter, the chances of us having the same top 5 strengths in the same order is 1:33mill.

Yes 1:33mill.

That’s more than the entire population of Australia.

And what that means is we’re all unique.

Now, let’s take you back to a time you were at school.

Imagine you were great at some subjects, let’s say you scored 90% on an English exam. However, you weren’t so great at other subjects, like math – and you may have only achieved 40% on your exams.

Remember which subject your teacher would suggest you go home and study?

Now when you return home with that report card, your parents may have congratulated you on your great marks in English, however, which subject did they send you to your room to study?

Did you answer math?

If not, you may have been fortunate to have great teachers and great role model parents and an awesome support network. However, most of us were told to study our math. Our lesser subject, our weakness.

We were advised to concentrate on our weakness.

Can you see the power in this within you?

It was suggested we’d become more, well rounded if we became good at everything.

However, if we continue to spend our time on our math, what would happen to our English marks? What happens to what we’re great at?

Chances are our English marks would begin to drop.

So our math may improve to 50% or 60%, yet our English would start to drop to 80% or even 70%.

What does this mean…

It means everyone begins to become average!

So the questions need to be asked:

What if we focused on what we’re great at?

What if we focused on what we do well, our talents?

We should focus on our English.

Then, learn how to language our talents and develop them into almighty strengths.

In other words, Focus On Our Strengths.

And we can, it’s really simple.

Now that doesn’t mean we ignore our math, our lesser strengths (aka weakness), it simply means we learn to utilize our strengths to enhance what we don’t do so well.

Or better still, we form partnerships with others who have strengths we don’t have. So we focus on our English and they focus on their math. We perform better and hey, we may just learn a little bit of math along the way. However, we don’t need to focus on it.

Perhaps you’re a high achiever, or a strategic thinker maybe you build relationships through your positivity or your ability to understand another person’s perspective?

We have members who are great in arranging and communicating, or simply getting things started.

Maybe you’re great with new ideas, or giving others significance, or love fixing things.

Have you ever met someone with extreme focus and discipline?

These are just some of the 34 talent themes Gallup and the Clifton StrengthsFinder have identified (in all of us).

So how do we then apply these talent themes to develop them into strengths?

Well firstly you have to establish your top 5 talents according to the CSF?

We call this Naming your strengths. Then we begin to Claim those talents for our own in order to be able to own them.

How? Well the best way we know is by having a conversation with a strengths coach, like me. And there are plenty of them all around the world.

However, we appreciate some of you may not feel comfortable talking with a stranger or a coach one on one.

So, we’ve developed a 10 week online… live… group training course called the Habits of Strengths – How to Develop Talents into Strengths.

Now about the benefits, you’ll receive by completing this course.

Well firstly, to simply identify your top 5 talents is a shift in itself, however when you begin to claim and aim your strengths is where the paradigm shift will occur.

And don’t get me wrong, for some of you it will be uncomfortable, however as a good friend of mine who also happens to be an awesome strengths coach in the UK, says and thank you Sarah Dena…

It’s time to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

We’ll also delve into learning about your purpose. Do you even have a purpose, do you know your why?

We’ll look at establishing habits around time management, goal setting and being better organized. We even talk with highly successful business owners in different industries on how they’ve formed habits of success to create the health, wealth and happiness they want for themselves and their families. We look at the habits of being mindful, habits around health and wellbeing and a really important one, the habits of celebrating. Taking holidays, celebrating the little victories we have.

How long has it been since you took a holiday, or went out to quiet dinner with a loved one? When was the last time you celebrated anything great in your life?
Or are you still focused on what’s not going right in your life?

It’s OK, remember the first step to changing is by becoming aware of it and then forming new habits.

I’m sure you’ve all heard it before – the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.

So do you want to start creating different results?

Do you want to create change? Are you ready to begin forming better habits?

Is now an awesome time to form Habits of Strength?

When will it ever be the right time if not now?

So if you’re enjoying our Why and How we’re going to form greater Habits of Strengths, perhaps it’s time to register? Simply click on the button below, or perhaps it’s time to share “What” completing this course will give you.

If you want to pay for the course in installments you may do so here:


Please, if you’ve just made the payment to join the course send us an email to info@chooseyourchapter.com.au stating:

  • Your full name
  • Where you are in the world (location and timezone)
  • Which course you’re joining (start date and time, in QLD AEST time)
  • Why it’s important to you to want to form great Habits of Strengths
  • And what talents you believe you can bring to the group (regardless of whether you completed the Clifton StrengthsFinder ® yet).

If you want to ramp it up even more and take action sooner – you receive a 50% discount for upfront payment, simply click here:

Aim Strengths

Please, if you’ve just made the payment to join the course send us an email to info@chooseyourchapter.com.au stating:

  • Your full name
  • Where you are in the world (location and timezone)
  • Which course you’re joining (start date and time, in QLD AEST time)
  • Why it’s important to you to want to form great Habits of Strengths
  • And what talents you believe you can bring to the group (regardless of whether you completed the Clifton StrengthsFinder ® yet).

So you’re probably wondering what this follow up video is for. Again, we’re discussing the 10 week online, live, group training course:


Habits of Strength – What will I be able to do when I can Develop Talents into Strengths

And in the previous video, we left the what up to you, asking you, what will you do next to create your own habits of strengths. So if you manager to answer that question, great. If you’re still not sure and want to know what you’ll achieve by completing this course. Then this short video is for you.

So at the end of the 10 weeks online, live, group training course you will have a set of healthy, empowering habits which will bring you more clarity and direction to:

  1. Express your purpose with confidence
  2. Plan your time with precision execute organizational strategies
  3. Practice healthy habits of mind
  4. Practice healthy eating and exercise
  5. Schedule regular celebratory events and holidays
  6. Connect with family, friends and yourself on a deeper level
  7. And as a result, you will strengthen your communication and become who you want to BE, by building stronger relationships, thinking more resourcefully and inspiring those around you. And do you know what that will leave you with? A healthy habit for life, your strengths habit.

So is that a good enough reason to want to change your own habits?

When, if not now, do you think would be a great time to develop your habits of strengths?

If you agree now is the time, you may join us on the inaugural training course on the 17th January 2017. Or if by the time you watch this video, it’s past that date, simply contact on Facebook, down below in the blog post or via email at info@chooseyourchapter.com.au

Now, we’re located in the beautiful Queensland and we’re delivering two courses, morning and evening, at either 10 am or 8 pm AEST which is I think 17 hours ahead of Pacific Daylight Time and 10 hours ahead of GMT (UK) time. So we’re trusting you know your bearings from there.

Now if your want to know the price, you have a few options, well maybe quite a few, however, we don’t believe the option of staying stuck where you are – really is an option. However, it is your choice.

So, the options for what’s next:

If you’re reading this on the CYC website you may:

  1. Revisit the original video on Why and How, which has all the information on course, or
  2. Click on the register now button below this video, or
  3. Scroll right to the bottom and fill in your details

Or if you’re on another platform or website such as YouTube simply visit the CYC website, www.chooseyourchapter.com.au and hover over the link ‘Workshops’ then click on the Habits of Strengths – How to Develop Talents into Strengths link.

Alternatively, contact us through FaceBook on the Choose Your Chapter Face Book page, you can also connect or follow me on FaceBook, LinkedIn, Instagram etc or finally send us an email to info@chooseyourchapter.com.au

Also, if you like sharing content, we have an awesome Udemy course: Focus on Your Strengths – How to Develop Talent into Strengths available, so if you’re not on the website, head over there and check it out as we’re currently giving away vouchers for the $295 course, there either free or massively discounted, depending on when you connect with us. Again, your choice.

Well The Habits of Strength course will commence on Tuesday 17th January 2017. We are accommodating friends and coaches around the world… because we have friends and coaches from all parts of the globe. So we’re starting off with two groups, one at 10 am GMT+10 and one at 8 pm GMT+10. So we are ready to help you depending on where you’re at right now.

And yes we mean both figuratively and literally – where you’re at geographically and where you’re at emotionally and physically.

So, if you prefer another time because you’re in another part of the word, we have more groups starting on different days and times in February. Simply ask, your choice!

Each group will only be a maximum of 10 people and both morning and evening groups are almost full, so we only have a few spots left. However, by the time you see this video or read the post, it may have filled or even started. So simply contact us to find out when the next group begins. Just email me at danny@chooseyourchapter.com.au

If you do prefer one on one coaching we can offer you that too. We have over 34 coaches based all around the world, so you may find one in person or online, you’re choice. A 90 minute complete strengths profile analysis will create habits you never dreamed of.

So before I go, and in honor of my #1 strength, I’ve got to Maximize this opportunity and tell you more about the value you’ll be receiving!

The cost of the course is normally $495 ($49.50 per week), but for the first 4 people who register for the course, you can have it for only $25 per week.

If you want to pay for the course in installments you may do so here:


Please, if you’ve just made the payment to join the course send us an email to info@chooseyourchapter.com.au stating:

  • Your full name
  • Where you are in the world (location and timezone)
  • Which course you’re joining (start date and time, in QLD AEST time)
  • Why it’s important to you to want to form great Habits of Strengths
  • And what talents you believe you can bring to the group (regardless of whether you completed the Clifton StrengthsFinder ® yet).

If you want to ramp it up even more and take action sooner – you receive a 50% discount for an upfront payment, simply click here:

Aim Strengths

Please, if you’ve just made the payment to join the course send us an email to info@chooseyourchapter.com.au stating:

  • Your full name
  • Where you are in the world (location and timezone)
  • Which course you’re joining (start date and time, in QLD AEST time)
  • Why it’s important to you to want to form great Habits of Strengths
  • And what talents you believe you can bring to the group (regardless of whether you completed the Clifton StrengthsFinder ® yet).

Surely that’s great value to create your Habits of Strengths and have an awesome 2017.

Yeah BUT, I’m a Maximizer so I have to take it to the next level.

The first 4 people to contact me personally and sign up to the next course will receive a complimentary 90 minute strengths profile analysis worth $495. Simply contact us below and in the subject box add “I want to form my Habits of Strength”

So now the next step is up to you, which habits do you want form?

And hey, one last thing, if you’ve made it this far and you still want to change your habits, but think you can’t afford it. Well my question is can you afford not to?

Trust this is not about the money this is about you and what success you want to achieve. So if you can’t afford $25 a week, then contact me personally. We have traineeships and internships that match your talents.

How do I know? Because there’s a 1:33 mill chance that we don’t have your talents.

Do you understand?

So whether you’re 14 or 45, reach out. Even if we have you posting on social media about strengths we will find a place for your talents.

Because there’s always a place for your talents in our world.

My personal email address is danny@chooseyourchapter.com.au You can also connect with us on FaceBook on the Choose Your Chapter Page, or simply click on the links on our website.

For those who are still unsure (perhaps you have a talent the Clifton StrengthsFinder ® refers to as Deliberative ®) we actually have a gift for you for lasting this long. This gift will help you activate your strengths journey. Simply enter your email address in the box below and we’ll send you a voucher for a brand new strengths Udemy course called Focus On Your Strengths – How to Develop Talents into Strengths for sale on the Udemy platform for $295. You can have a voucher which will allow you to have it for free. How awesome is that? Now that’s maximizing!

So finally thank you and congratulations on making it all the way to the end. These are the defining qualities of people who want to create change, who do want to change their habits, so well done. You’ve made that first great leap.

I’m Danny Crouch from CYC and remember:


*Disclaimer – These videos and the Focus On Your Strengths course are entirely developed by Choose Your Chapter and are NOT products of Gallup nor the Clifton StrengthsFinder. We would like to acknowledge Gallup and the CSF for their data and research tool which allows us to help spread the word to focus on our strengths. Clifton StrengthsFinder ® and StrengthsFinder ® and each of the Clifton StrengthsFinder theme names are trademarks of Gallup, Inc. Choose Your Chapter are not affiliated with Gallup, Inc or its subsidiaries.

Copyright © 2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.

Email: info@chooseyourchapter.com.au

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