Why Choose Dan

Individual Strengths


My top five strengths:

I will take things to the next level, and strive for excellence. I offer an environment for those around me to achieve mastery, success and excellence. I work with the best and show people how they can be their best. I have faith in the links between all people and believe that everything happens for a reason. I am fascinated by ideas and able to find connections between seemingly disparate phenomena and I help to improve on what currently exists. I make things happen by turning thoughts into action and inspire others by the potential of what could be. I love to focus on strengths!

I was born to be a coach.

I believe every individual is unique and has the right to develop the skills and talents with which they were born.

I grew up on the northern beaches of Sydney, Australia and developed a strong work ethic at a young age. Starting work in my early teens in the late 1980’s my career has spanned over five decades. I started mowing lawns at 13, and had a paper run for over three years. I have experienced working in countless industries as an employee, manager and business owner. These industries include construction, industrial, finance, sales, hospitality, tourism, education, security and many more. I worked with some great colleagues, managers and businesses and some bad, even toxic ones. I started my first business in process serving and debt collection at the age of 22, lived overseas and travelled the world at 27. I know the vast difference between wanting to go to work and absolutely hating it.

Then I found my calling in personal and professional development.

I am a sports fanatic, early on I played soccer, cricket, basketball, golf, competitive swimming, rugby league and rugby union, I never hit the heights of stardom, nor ever looked like becoming a professional athlete. However, at a young age I found a passion in developing the potential in others on and off the sporting field. I was coaching footy teams at the age of 19, developing all ages from under sixes, through to open age groups. Coaching was for me.

After retiring from rugby league and cricket in my late twenties I experienced a loss I had never felt before. An emptiness which I couldn’t quite comprehend. For the previous 20 odd years, I had belonged to a tribe, a team, a second family. Unlike my parents and siblings, these tribes were not expected to love me, they did so because of the camaraderie found on the sporting field.

I spent the next 10 years looking to fill that void. Drifting in and out of depression. Consistently feeling like a failure. Changing job to job, failing business idea after business idea. With no kids of my own, life was empty and meaningless. That is until I was introduced to strengths coaching.

“My Strengths coach helped me understand my strengths. She showed me how I could become comfortable with being me. I was given a language to describe myself and explain what made me great. I spent a lot of my 20’s and 30’s believing I was defined by the job I held, the sport I played and the mates I hung around. We finished playing and they all went off and got married, had kids and had careers to fall back on. I felt like I had nothing, I felt like a failure.

I found strengths coaching and it gave me a reason to battle through my depression. My mission is to ensure others don’t go through the same emotional and psychological cycles I went through.”

I have a degree in psychology and I’m a certified life coach and business coach. I am a qualified trainer and assessor of business, management and leadership. I also create and deliver all our coaching programs and packages. Primarily focused on your individual strengths, my coaching and mentoring offers skills and strategies for understanding and communicating the psychological, emotional and behavioural strengths of:

  • businesses wanting to grow and develop their teams successfully
  • individuals wanting to achieve greater success at work and at home.

In serving others so they feel significant, we offer the tools that encourage happiness and give value to people’s lives. Why, so they may experience success and fulfilment. When you are happy and fulfilled, it replicates in your relationships with colleagues, friends, family and most importantly, yourself. I am passionate about human behavior, golf, rugby league, and poker, and how these pursuits influence and shape one’s mindset. This passion flows into business to ensure as many employees as possible can achieve the happiness and wellbeing they deserve in all aspects of their life.

We assist you in executing your talents. We nurture your strengths while surrounding you with complimentary partnerships.

Contact Danny

m: 0412 136 062

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