Focus On Your Strengths!

This is our catchphrase, this is our motto, this is our mantra…

This is our ‘Why’

As a kid growing up in a northern suburb of Sydney, Australia in the late 70s early 80s, I was picked on, I was bullied, I was different and definitely did not fit in. With parents from India and England, I was chocolate colored with curly, wurly hair.

Not the norm… blonde-haired, blue-eyed beach bod.

I never felt accepted for who I was, what I did, how I did it and Why. It made no sense to me.

Why did I have to conform, why did I have to fit in?

Isn’t being unique, awesome?

Isn’t being different, great?

Apparently not.

Now I bring you back to when you were at school, do you remember when you may have been great at a subject like English and may have got 90% in an exam and then may not have been so great at other subjects like maths and only got 40%.

Do you remember which subject your teacher wanted you to focus your studies?

Now when you remember taking that report card home to your parents, did you get sent to your room and told which subject you had to study?

If you answered Maths, well imagine… what were they asking you to focus on?

Now it’s time to Focus On Your Strengths! #FOYS